Sunday 24 January 2016


A friend and sister on FB narrated her experience with a scammer who claimed to be a staff of the FRSC.
Read her experience below and be on the alert. My bigger lesson is to get the app mentioned in her story for fake callers. Story below;

Some Nigerians are just too wicked and desperate to make money. They just do not care about the consequences of their actions. On 18th of January, 2016, after the usual monday morning meetings, I checked my phone and saw a missed call from a number that I could not recognize. Anyway, I decided to call the number 0703 923 6497. I dialled the number, the guy on the other end picks up and says he works with the FRSC ( Federal Road Safety Commission). He then goes on to explain how a commercial bus coming from Lagos was involved in an accident just before Ogere along the Lagos Ibadan express road and the driver and a passenger died instantly. He said while trying to search for the passenger's identity, they scrolled through his phone and found my number saved on the phone. At this stage, my heart was beating hard and fast, my palms almost sweaty as I struggled to keep up with the information being given by this FRSC officer. He went on to describe the passenger as a tall and dark man. My brain started scanning through possible people that fit this description. Thankfully, all of my siblings do not fit the description and the only dark skinned one was obviously of average height. My hubby was not even an option as I had just seen him a couple of minutes before making the call. My mind then started wandering even as I tried to process the information. I asked the man if he had an idea of the proposed destination of the bus. He arrogantly told me he didn't have that information. Then I asked if he could describe the kind of bus maybe this could be a pointer. He said it was a white bus. I asked which brand or model? He said hummer. I then asked if he could tell me the plate number. At this stage, the guy arrogantly answered and said he did not know the plate number. His answer to my final question was what gave him away and now convinced me that I was dealing with a FRAUDSTER! To further confirm my assertion, the FRSC man then started rambling about how there is no credit on the victim's phone and they needed me to send them a recharge card so they could recharge the phone and call me back with the dead man's phone and I would be able to confirm who exactly it is. By this time, I was livid with rage and could no longer hold back. I started raining curses on him. I told him he will never know peace as he has decided to cause other people heartaches, panic and turmoil by concocting horrible stories just in a bid to make money. I told him he will definitely have a horrible end and after 10 more seconds of more curses, the guy hung up the phone. Still angry, i went to a colleague's desk and asked him to help, dial this fake FRSC guy's number. As he dialled, the guys real name came up since my colleague had the True Caller App installed on his phone. The 419 agent's name was showing as KING BASSEY. After the 3rd ring, the crooked fellow picked up and I continued from where i stopped. I said "King Bassey your game is up! You are such an unfortunate fellow and you will never know peace as you have decided to disturb other people's peace". I could sense from his silence that he was shocked that I could get his name that fast but like I predicted he quickly hung up the phone again.
I was so pained by the incident. What if this happened to some elderly person with a history of high blood pressure? Someone not literate enough to know what kind of questions to ask King Bassey.Wouldn't a senseless scam like this have triggered a heart attack? Someone could have died just because KING BASSEY needed free recharge card. So i decided to share this story to create an awareness and also to shame this evil man called KING BASSEY. His phone number is 0703 923 6497. So people let us share this story. Who knows? This may get to the relevant authorities and we may be able to get KING BASSEY arrested.
Nigeria will get better..
‪#‎BasseyKingScammer07039236497‬ ‪#‎FakeFRSCOfficer‬

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