Saturday 6 February 2016


A Survivor of the Somalia beach attack,narrates how she and her only brother escaped death from the hands of Al-Shabab on January 21st.
Story below as reported by BBC.

Then they started breaking down a section of the wall near the window.
First, they told those who were wounded and the women to come forward. They kept telling us to come to them, but we were still in shock and didn't know what to do.
Then one of the special forces team, whose face was covered, raised his hand and asked me to come.
He had a gun in one hand and he pushed my hand, asking me to move forward.
He pulled my body and forced me to come out of the building.
When I got outside, I checked my body to see whether I was injured or not.

Luckily I was okay, except the pain throughout my body from when I had fallen down onto the floor, and people had trodden on me as they rushed to escape.
I was covered in shards of glass. The sounds of bombs and gunfire was fresh in my mind.
Then, they told me "yes" - my brother Eyman was safe.
I thought of the brave soldier who had chosen to risk his life in order to save us. The attack was still going on while the soldier was rescuing us, and we could hear the sounds of bombs and bullets all around.
I owe my life to this soldier and if I had seen his face or knew his name, I would try to find him so I could thank him personally for what he did.
I give my thanks to Allah, and to this solider who helped me survive the attack.
The soldier was so kind, professional, compassionate, committed and determined to save our lives.
I know that his mission was to save people trapped in the restaurant, and every girl or boy that he saved was also his duty, but my feelings of gratitude and appreciation are so deep.
So if you are reading this article, know that you are a brave soldier and only Allah can repay your sacrifices to humankind.

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