Wednesday 3 February 2016


Hello friends and family I've been fishing around for beneficial health tips which i know most of us will enjoy.
Just few days ago my son was begging me not to grow older than I am .
His fears according to him is that he knows when one gets really old the next step is death and of course it is not an option for us all.
In line with learning a lot about our health i got several tips i shall be sharing from time to time.
The first one is;

Simple Signs That That Tell If You’re Aging Too Fast

Red Flag #1: One-Legged Stance Test
The results of a one-legged stance tests may help predict brain health and risk of stroke. Researchers have found that the inability to balance on one leg for longer than 20 seconds may be associated with cerebral small vessel disease, when arteries become less flexible and can interfere with blood flow.

Now did you pass the test? I passed! lol. Not to worry, there are also tips to help you get better.
Will keep you posted subsequently .  Have a great one!

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