Saturday 6 February 2016


2 aircraft have gone down off Los Angeles coast according to CNN report.

Details are still unclear but,a local fisherman reported a downed aircraft to the Coast Guard just after 3 p.m. local time -- the same time the Federal Aviation Administration reported seeing two planes on radar disappear, Capt. Jennifer Williams said at a news conference on Friday.
"We are speculating to some degree that there were two aircraft, but it would be unusual for one just to go down with that amount of debris field," Williams said.
Authorities discovered a log book that helped them identify one of the planes and people on board -- two men, ages 61 and 81.
Another plane, believed to be piloted by a 72-year-old woman, was expected to arrive at Torrance airport earlier Friday but never showed, Williams said.
    One of the aircraft was a Beechcraft and the other was a Super Decathlon, a plane that's often used for aerobatic stunts.
    Dozens of officials from various federal and local authorities are conducting what the Coast Guard is still classifying as a rescue operation.
    "We don't want to give up on anybody that potentially is out there," Williams said. "It's cold water, but it is possible to survive in those temperatures."
    Diving operations were suspended at sunset, but are expected to resume in the morning.
    "In the morning, after our first-light search by helicopter, we will have to reevaluate where we are with the search, whether or not it's feasible that someone could survive that long and perhaps transition to another type of search," Williams said.
    Based on brief conversations with family members, Williams believes the pilots were experienced. All three of the missing people are from Southern California.
    The incident occurred near the community of San Pedro, south of downtown Los Angeles and just west of Long Beach.


    There was an earthquake in Taiwan few hours ago.
    High rise buildings came crashing down on each other. 
    Some 30 people are still missing from the 17-storey block, one of several buildings that collapsed in Tainan city when the magnitude 6.4 quake struck.
    Among the dead was a newborn baby. Nearly 500 people were injured, at least 92 of whom remain in hospital.
    President Ma Ying-jeou has promised an "all-out effort" to rescue people.
    More than 800 soldiers have joined in the rescue effort, with the help of hi-tech equipment and rescue dogs.
    Shelters would be set up for those who have lost their homes in the city of two million people, the president said when he arrived in Tainan.

    The 17 storeys of the Weiguan Jinlong (Golden Dragon) apartment complex, home to at least 256 people, crumpled down on each other. 


    A Survivor of the Somalia beach attack,narrates how she and her only brother escaped death from the hands of Al-Shabab on January 21st.
    Story below as reported by BBC.

    Then they started breaking down a section of the wall near the window.
    First, they told those who were wounded and the women to come forward. They kept telling us to come to them, but we were still in shock and didn't know what to do.
    Then one of the special forces team, whose face was covered, raised his hand and asked me to come.
    He had a gun in one hand and he pushed my hand, asking me to move forward.
    He pulled my body and forced me to come out of the building.
    When I got outside, I checked my body to see whether I was injured or not.

    Luckily I was okay, except the pain throughout my body from when I had fallen down onto the floor, and people had trodden on me as they rushed to escape.
    I was covered in shards of glass. The sounds of bombs and gunfire was fresh in my mind.
    Then, they told me "yes" - my brother Eyman was safe.
    I thought of the brave soldier who had chosen to risk his life in order to save us. The attack was still going on while the soldier was rescuing us, and we could hear the sounds of bombs and bullets all around.
    I owe my life to this soldier and if I had seen his face or knew his name, I would try to find him so I could thank him personally for what he did.
    I give my thanks to Allah, and to this solider who helped me survive the attack.
    The soldier was so kind, professional, compassionate, committed and determined to save our lives.
    I know that his mission was to save people trapped in the restaurant, and every girl or boy that he saved was also his duty, but my feelings of gratitude and appreciation are so deep.
    So if you are reading this article, know that you are a brave soldier and only Allah can repay your sacrifices to humankind.

    Friday 5 February 2016


    Beautiful actress Ini Edo has confirmed her appointment as Special Adviser on Tourism to the governor of Akwa Ibom State.
    She posted a picture on her Instagram page and the message below.

    "To be called to serve is an honour.I give God all de glory. Am grateful to my state, my Governor, everyone of you with your constant prayers and support... God bless us all. Amen"
    Hmmm this kind service sis, serve am well ooooo.


    You may have seen this picture of Ms Kaylan Mahomes, a high school student from Indianapolis,who took to twitter last week to share a car selfie with her twin and her mum.
    The picture has since broken the internet leaving everyone to guess who the mother is.
    They have suddenly become very popular and have attended several T.V and radio interviews with their mother and enjoying every bit of it.

    Over to you. Can you guess who is the mother? 


    Wonders shall never end!
    A woman in Australia reportedly crashed her own funeral after escaping from the hitmen that her husband hired to kill her.
    The incredible tale, reported by the BBC, began a year ago in Burundi, where Noela Rukundo had gone to attend her stepmother's funeral.
    What she didn't know, of course, was that her husband had hired men in her native country to kill her. 

    When she left her hotel room, she was kidnapped, but the gang members had a change of heart, refusing to kill a woman. 
    They reportedly left her on the side of a road, with her husband believing that the murder had been carried out. 
    Three days later, she returned to Melbourne, where her husband, Balenga Kalala, was hosting mourners after telling people she'd died in an accident. 
    As mourners left the home, Noela sprung the surprise on her husband.
    "Surprise! I'm still alive!" she told him, after he exclaimed that he had seen a "ghost."
    Kalala was sentenced to nine years in prison for the plot, which he later confessed to in a recorded phone conversation with his wife.

    Wednesday 3 February 2016


    Hello friends and family I've been fishing around for beneficial health tips which i know most of us will enjoy.
    Just few days ago my son was begging me not to grow older than I am .
    His fears according to him is that he knows when one gets really old the next step is death and of course it is not an option for us all.
    In line with learning a lot about our health i got several tips i shall be sharing from time to time.
    The first one is;

    Simple Signs That That Tell If You’re Aging Too Fast

    Red Flag #1: One-Legged Stance Test
    The results of a one-legged stance tests may help predict brain health and risk of stroke. Researchers have found that the inability to balance on one leg for longer than 20 seconds may be associated with cerebral small vessel disease, when arteries become less flexible and can interfere with blood flow.

    Now did you pass the test? I passed! lol. Not to worry, there are also tips to help you get better.
    Will keep you posted subsequently .  Have a great one!